
  • 产品名称:布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪

  • 产品型号:
  • 产品厂商:布鲁克(BRUKER)
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布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪能够满足用户分析所需,能够测定样品的元素组成,并且可在ppm级到****范围地测定从C到U所有元素的含量。布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪可以通过手动或全自动模式轻松测量各类样品。无论是固体、液体、压片还是粉末,S2 PUMA都能快速、准确地呈现测试结果。如您对布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪感兴趣,可联系上海铸金分析仪器有限公司。

布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪

型号:S2 PUMA          品牌:布鲁克

产地:德国                 行业专用类型:电子产品
重复性:0.001%         能量分辨率:135eV
分析含量范围:ppm-**** 元素分析范围:Na-U(标准XFlash®探测器); C – U(LE XFlash®探测器)
价格区间:50万-100万   仪器种类:台式/落地式能量色散型X荧光光谱、XRF
布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪简介:
S2 PUMA能量色散型X射线荧光光谱仪能够满足用户分析所需,能够准确测定样品的元素组成,并且可在ppm级到****范围地测定从C到U所有元素的含量。S2 PUM可以通过手动或全自动模式轻松测量各类样品,无论是固体、液体、压片还是粉末,S2 PUMA都能快速、准确地呈现测试结果。

布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪应用范围:

布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪产品**:
元素范围:Na-U(标准XFlash®探测器); C – U(LE XFlash®探测器)


布鲁克S2 PUMA台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪技术参数:

Technical Details

S2 PUMA Single — S2 PUMA XY Autochanger — S2 PUMA Carousel — S2 PUMA Automation

Elemental range

Sodium to uranium (Na – Am) 
Carbon to americium (C – Am) with light element (LE) detector

Concentration range

From ppm to 100 %

X-ray tube

Pd or Ag anode; max. power 50 W; max. voltage 50 kV (low kV version: 30 kV max.)

Primary beam filters

10-position automatic filter changer; for wide range elemental analysis


Silicon Drift Detector: Peltier cooled (no need for liquid nitrogen) with DustShieldTM; also available as fast HighSenseTM LE version with super-high count rates

Collimator masks*

For small spot analysis: 1, 3, 8, 12, 18, 23 and 28 mm

Sample observation*

Integrated HD video camera, for exact sample positioning and documenting the measurement position of a sample

Atmosphere Mode

Air mode: For heavier elements in all sample types
Helium mode*: Best performance for light elements in liquids and loose powders
Nitrogen mode*: Cost-saving analysis of liquid samples
Vacuum mode*: Enhanced light elelemnts performance for stable samples and lowest cost of operation


Built-in Ethernet port RJ45, 3x USB ports for mouse, keyboard, printer

Power requirements

100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, max. power consumption 600 VA

Sample rotation*

Spins all sample types and sizes for better measurement statistics with inhomogenous samples

S2 PUMA Single

S2 PUMA XY Autochanger

S2 PUMA Carousel

S2 PUMA Automation

Sample types

Loose powders, granules, solids, pressed pellets, fused beads and liquids

Loose powders, granules, solids, pressed pellets, fused beads and liquids

Loose powders, granules, solids, pressed pellets, fused beads, liquids and bulk samples

Loose powders, granules, solids, pressed pellets, fused beads and liquids served from EasyLoad tray;
Automation rings from automation feeder


Integrated 12.1” TFT touchscreen, adjustable, multilingual user interface, optional

Integrated 12.1” TFT touchscreen, adjustable, multilingual user interface, optional

Integrated 12.1” TFT touchscreen, adjustable, 
multilingual user interface, optional

Integrated 12.1” TFT touchscreen, adjustable, 
multilingual user interface


Integration into fully automated labs via conveyor belt or robot arm interface

Sample sizes

Up to 51.5 mm (2.03“) ?; Liquids, loose powders and smaller samples in liquid cups: up to 50 ml

Up to 40 mm (1.56“) ? and 38 mm (1.49“) height in sample holders, max. weight 200 g or 51.5 mm (2.03“) ? as sample ring. Liquids, loose powders and smaller samples in liquid cups: up to 20 ml

32, 40 or 51.5 mm (1.26,
1.56 or 2.03“) ? samples. Liquids, loose powders and smaller samples in liquid cups: up to 50 ml;
Bulk samples (max. width x depth x height): 455 x 425 x 106 mm (17.9 x 16.7 x 4.2“)

Up to 40 mm (1.56") ? and 38 mm (1.49") height in sample holders with max. 200 g sample weight, or 51.5 mm ? as sample ring; Liquids, loose powders, and smaller samples in liquid cups up to 20 ml

Sample loader

Single position,
manual loading

EasyLoad XY? sample tray with 20-positions, removable;
Grabber with automatic liquid sample detection

EasyLoad? Carousel sample tray with 12-positions, removable to make room for bulk samples

EasyLoad? XY sample tray with 20-positions, removable; Grabber with automatic liquid sample detection; Interface to conveyer belt or robot arm link-up to sample preparation, including sample flipper and buffer positions

width x depth x height; weight

67 x 71 x 37 cm; 87 kg
(26.2 x 27.8 x 14.6“; 192 lbs)

67 x 71 x 61 cm; 108 kg
(26.2 x 27.8 x 22.2“; 287 lbs)

67 x 71 x 57 cm; 130 kg
(26.2 x 27.8 x 22.2“; 287 lbs)

67 x 71 x 61 cm; 110 kg
(26.2 x 27.8 x 23.8"; 243 lbs)

Quality & safety

DIN EN ISO 9001:2008; 
2006/42/EC (CE-certified Machinery directive)
2014/35/EC (Electrical equipment)
2014/30/EC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
German Type Approval and Vollschutz according to BfS R?V
Fully radiation-protected system; radiation < 1 μSv/h (H*);
Compliant to ICRP, IAEA, EURATOM

TouchControl?, SampleCare?, EasyLoad?, HighSense?, and DustShield? are trademarks of Bruker AXS Inc. 
* optional packages




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